

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Tractor di Bracket . “Tractor” è una canzone di Bracket. Tractor Lyrics.

TESTO - Bracket - Tractor


TESTO - Bracket - Tractor

I sit in the boring hot sun
Riding on top of my big John Deere
With all of the noise from the engine
It's no wonder that I can't hear

There is one thing that I know is true
There isn't anything else I can do
I don't wanna drive (x2)

The sun beats down on my head
It's starting to make all my skin bake
With all of this bouncing around
It's no wonder that my bones ache

There is one thing that I know is true
There isn't anything else I can do
I don't wanna drive (x2)

I don't wanna chew tobacco
I don't wanna wear your boots
I don't wanna drive your tractor, no. .

I look to see the sun go down
A smile stretches across my red face
I'm so happy the day is over
Now I can wake up from my daze
I don't wanna drive (x3)

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