Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Through the Cracks di Linda Davis . “Through the Cracks” è una canzone di Linda Davis. Through the Cracks Lyrics.
TESTO - Linda Davis - Through the Cracks
TESTO - Linda Davis - Through the Cracks
My first thought this morning, man it sure is raining
I just washed the car, oh yeah, the oil needs changing
Bet it took ten seconds for you to cross my mind
Left the thought of you behind me
When I pulled out of the driveway
By the time it caught me I was half way down the highway
I'm moving on without you just a little at a time
I've got a long, long way to go
But I'll get over you one day I know
I think a ray of hope has finally found me
Here in the dark
I can see some light through the cracks of my broken heart
I just lost your memory somewhere in the traffic
Just for a moment the D.J. had me laughing
And the sun peeked through the storm clouds in the sky
I've got a long, long way to go
But I'll get over you one day I know
I think a ray of hope has finally found me
Here in the dark
I can see some light through the cracks of my broken heart