Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Quick Phone Call di Campfire Girls . “Quick Phone Call” è una canzone di Campfire Girls. Quick Phone Call Lyrics.
TESTO - Campfire Girls - Quick Phone Call
TESTO - Campfire Girls - Quick Phone Call
I'm just gonna make a quick phone call
I'm just gonna lay here all day long
I don't care anymore
I'm just gonna let you take the fall
I'm just gonna lean against the wall
I don't care anymore. i don't care anymore
I'm just gonna burn this bridge
Puttin all my eggs in one basket
I don't care anymore
I think I've gone to far
Ill just go ahead and crash this car
I don't care anymore. I don't care anymore
Ill just go ahead and make that call
The operator says 911
I'm a gonna tell her I'm not havin fun
Hurry quick, better send someone