Cian Ducrot

Part Of Me

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Part Of Me di Cian Ducrot contenuta nell'album Part Of Me. “Part Of Me” è una canzone di Cian Ducrot. Part Of Me Lyrics.

TESTO - Cian Ducrot - Part Of Me


"Part Of Me" di Cian Ducrot è una canzone che riflette sul dolore della perdita di qualcuno che aveva un impatto significativo sulla vita dell'artista. Il testo affronta il tema dell'auto-sacrificio e dell'importanza di mettere sulle proprie spalle il peso delle aspettative degli altri. Cian Ducrot riflette sui momenti felici trascorsi insieme a questa persona speciale e si pente di non aver notato i segni di sofferenza che portavano a una fine prematura. Nonostante la sua dipartita, l'artista riconosce che questa persona rimarrà per sempre nella sua memoria e che farà sempre parte di lui. La trama emotiva della canzone è accompagnata da una melodia malinconica e toccante, che sottolinea il senso di nostalgia e di perdita. Studia anche altre hit di Cian Ducrot per scoprire il suo talento artistico.


TESTO - Cian Ducrot - Part Of Me

They say the devil takes the best of us
I guess I always knew you weren't like the rest of us
You held the party in your hand, like it would slip away, like moments passed
How I miss the way you used to laugh
Is that the way it goes, you trade your soul to be a rose?
Give everything you've got to give before you've got to go
I guess that no one knows
I guess that I just didn't see the lows

Oh, we all fall down
Oh, we all fall down

I wish you told me how you felt that night
Now I'll never get to change your mind
But with all of the memories
You'll always be part of me
I'll tell your mother how we used to laugh
But it’s never gonna bring you back
Now you're only a memory
But you'll always be part of me
Part of me

I remember times when we'd stay up till morning light
I remember how you'd say how much you miss those nights
And I wish that I had noticed all those cracks in your smile
Cause it took a while
We could have put stars together, planted roots and lived forever
We could have been kings of our own kingdom, had you let me help you
But you're conditioned to believe it only makes you weaker
Till it chokes you and you're barely breathing

Oh, we all fall down
Oh, we all fall down

I wish you told me how you felt that night
Now I'll never get to change your mind
But with all of the memories
You'll always be part of me
I'll tell your mother how we used to laugh
But it’s never gonna bring you back
Now you're only a memory
But you'll always be part of me

Part of me
Oh-oh, oh, oh-oh

I wish you told me how you felt that night
Now I'll never get to change your mind
But with all of the memories
You'll always be part of me
I'll tell your mother how we used to laugh
But it’s never gonna bring you back (Bring you back)
Now you're only a memory (Only a memory)
But you'll always be part of me
Part of me

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