Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Isolation (feat. Johnny Depp) di Jeff Beck contenuta nell'album Isolation (feat. Johnny Depp). “Isolation (feat. Johnny Depp)” è una canzone di Jeff Beck. Isolation (feat. Johnny Depp) Lyrics.
TESTO - Jeff Beck - Isolation (feat. Johnny Depp)
TESTO - Jeff Beck - Isolation (feat. Johnny Depp)
People say we got it made
Don't they know we're so afraid?
We're afraid to be alone
Everybody got to have a home
Just a boy and a little girl
Tryin' to change the whole wide world
The world is just a little town
Everybody trying to put us down
I- Isolation
I don't expect you
To understand
After you've caused
So much pain
But then again
You're not to blame
You're just a human
A victim of the insane
We're afraid of everyone
Afraid of the sun
The sun will never disappear
But the world may not have many years
I- Isolation
I don't expect you
To understand
After you've caused
So much pain
But then again
You're not to blame
You're just a human
A victim of the insane
Victim of the insane
People say we got it made
Don't they know we're so afraid?
I, I....