Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Spin the Black Circle di Pearl Jam contenuta nell'album Live: Flinders Park Tennis Centre, Melbourne, Australia 17 Mar 95. “Spin the Black Circle” è una canzone di Pearl Jam. Spin the Black Circle Lyrics.

TESTO - Pearl Jam - Spin the Black Circle


TESTO - Pearl Jam - Spin the Black Circle

See this needle

A-see my hand

Drop, drop, dropping it down

Oh so gently

Well here it comes

I touch the plane

Turn me up

Won't turn you away

Spin, spin

Spin the black circle

Spin, spin

Spin the black, spin the black

Spin, spin

Spin the black circle

Spin, spin


Pull it out

A-paper sleeve

Oh my joy

Only you deserve conceit

I'm so big

A-my whole world

I'd rather you

Rather you than her

Spin, spin

Spin the black circle

Spin, spin

Spin the black, spin the black

Spin, spin

Spin the black circle

Spin, spin



You're so warm

Oh, the ritual

When I lay down

Your crooked arm

Spin, spin

Spin the black circle

Spin, spin

Spin the black, spin the black

Spin, spin

Spin the black circle

Spin the black, spin the black, spin the black, spin the black, spin the black

Spin the black circle

Spin the black circle

Spin the black circle

Spin the black circle

Spin, spin

Spin, spin

Spin, spin

Spin, spin

Spin, spin

Spin, spin


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