Sam Smith

One Day At a Time

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di One Day At a Time di Sam Smith . “One Day At a Time” è una canzone di Sam Smith. One Day At a Time Lyrics.

TESTO - Sam Smith - One Day At a Time


TESTO - Sam Smith - One Day At a Time

Let's turn off our phones tonight

And rely on the stars

We've been so lost lately

We forgot who we are

But I got everything I need, baby

In the palms of your touch

In a world of dark distractions

It can all get too much

So let's sit by an English river

Till the water runs dry

Can we light a cigarette

And talk about days gone by?

We're neither saints or sinners

So leave your history behind

Let's grab a bottle and take it one day at a time

Take it one day at a time

I know you're feelin' weighed down tonight

And you can't find the breaks

Every day is too long for you

You are sworn to your fate

But we got everything we need, baby

In the memories we make

In a world of reinventions

It's never too late

So let's sit by an English river

Till the water runs dry

Can we light a cigarette

And talk about days gone by?

We're neither saints or sinners

So leave your history behind

Let's grab a bottle and take it one day at a time

Take it one day at a time, mmm

Oh, so let's sit by an English river

Till the water runs dry

There is nothin' that we've done wrong

That can't be made right

We're neither saints or sinners

So leave your history behind

Let's grab a bottle and take it

Grab a bottle and take it

Grab a bottle and take it one day at a time

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