Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Glorified G di Pearl Jam contenuta nell'album Live: Flinders Park Tennis Centre, Melbourne, Australia 17 Mar 95. “Glorified G” è una canzone di Pearl Jam. Glorified G Lyrics.

TESTO - Pearl Jam - Glorified G


TESTO - Pearl Jam - Glorified G

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Got a gun

Fact I got two

That's okay man 'cause I love God

Glorified version of a pellet gun

Feels so manly

When armed

(Glorified version of a) pellet gun

(Glorified version of a) pellet gun

(Glorified version of a) pellet gun

(Glorified version of a) pellet gun

Don't think

Dumb is strength

Never shot at a living thing

Glorified version of a pellet gun

Feels so manly

When armed

(Glorified version of a) pellet gun

(Glorified version of a) pellet gun

(Glorified version of a) pellet gun

(Glorified version of a)

Always keep it loaded

Always keep it loaded

Always keep it loaded

Kindred to be an American

(Life comes)

I can feel your heart

(Ooh, life comes)

I can feel your heart in your neck

(Life comes)

I can feel your heart in your neck

(Like some)

I can steal your heart from your neck



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