Devon Cole


Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di 1-800-GOT-STRESS di Devon Cole contenuta nell'album 1-800-GOT-STRESS. “1-800-GOT-STRESS” è una canzone di Devon Cole. 1-800-GOT-STRESS Lyrics.

TESTO - Devon Cole - 1-800-GOT-STRESS


TESTO - Devon Cole - 1-800-GOT-STRESS

Maybe, I like a little danger, you can't save me
I'm walking all alone at night, you'd hate it
If you were here right now you'd call me crazy
Still I've been thinking lately

Is there someone I could call?
Operator, could you drown out all the voices in my head?
I can't take it any longer, my heart's beating out my chest
It's so nice to talk it out with someone other than my friends
I count one, two, three, trying hard to breathe
But it doesn't seem like you're getting me
I count one, two, three, 'til I fall asleep
Cause it doesn't seem like you're getting me
(One, two, three)

Stupid, the way I'm always letting myself lose it
Cause I know well enough there's a solution (Solution)
But I get so wrapped up in my delusions
God I'm only human

Is there someone I could call?
Operator, could you drown out all the voices in my head?
I can't take it any longer, my heart's beating out my chest
It's so nice to talk it out with someone other than my friends
I count one, two, three, trying hard to breathe
But it doesn't seem like you're getting me (Getting me)
I count one, two, three, 'til I fall asleep (Yeah)
Cause it doesn't seem like you're getting me (Getting me)
(One, two, three)
Yeah, ohh

So are you still on the line?
Feels like nobody believes me when I say I try my best
Operator, I'm so sorry if I'm taking up your time
I just need someone to tell me that I'm gonna be alright

(One, two, three)
Be alright
(One, two, three)
Be alright
(One, two, three)

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